Impact of E-Sel supplementation on egg production, fertility, and hatchability in Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica)


  • Fatima Shakeel NICASS College Rahim Yar Khan
  • Aqeel Ur Rehman NICASS College Rahim Yar Khan
  • Roheela Yasmeen Department of Biology, Lahore Garrison University, Sector C, Phase VI, DHA, Lahore



Supplementations, Japanese Quail, egg productions, fertility, hatchability


Dietary deficiencies, particularly in vitamins and minerals, are critical issues in poultry nutrition, often leading to reduced egg production, fertility, and hatchability. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of Vitamin E, selenium, and zinc supplementation on egg production, fertility, and hatchability of Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica). The study was conducted in a Private facility in Rahim Yar Khan (Punjab) from February 2022 to May 2022 to explore the effects of supplementations (E-SEL, Albovit Selenex Plus) on egg production, fertile eggs and hatched chicks of Japanese quail kept under captivity. The birds were categorized into two groups, i.e., a control and an experimental group, each consisting of one male and three females. It was observed that the supplementations showed significant effects on fertility at P<0.05 with maximum egg fertility of 91%, and increased egg production and hatchability of 86% were noticed in the experimental group. It was concluded that supplementation has good impacts on egg production, fertility, and hatchability of Japanese Quail.


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How to Cite

Shakeel, F., Ur Rehman, A., & Yasmeen, R. (2024). Impact of E-Sel supplementation on egg production, fertility, and hatchability in Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica). Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity, 9(1), 113–122.