Conservation strategies and human conflicts with Snow Leopard in Pakistan: A review
Habitat deterioration, human-wildlife conflicts, conservationAbstract
Snow leopards (Panthera uncia) are documented in the higher altitudes of South Asia. The snow leopard is recognized as showcase species in Pakistan. The snow leopard is delegated a fundamentally imperilled species in Pakistan by the IUCN. It is vanishing from various areas of its immense assortment of habitats in Asia. The snow leopard lives in elevated zones, preferring mountainous edges, gorges, cliffs, and rough outthrust as its habitat. P. uncia has also been recorded in more rolling terrain and grassy areas. In Pakistan, the P. uncia occupies relatively parched, elevated districts which include Swat, Dir, Kohistan, and the Chitral territory of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit Baltistan, and Neelam Valley. The fundamental threat to snow leopards is unlawful to trade in leopards, particularly skins, conflict with residents, as well as the absence of protection laws, the capacity to enforce rules, and lack of information. Different hazards include territory trouble, habitat deterioration, abatement of prey, exponential human masses development rate, mining, and neediness of the locals. Many networks are working in Pakistan for the conservation of this species, the main purpose of this review was to highlight the feeding preferences, the effect of climate on this important species, and the area of conflict between humans and snow leopards. The purpose of this review article was to highlight the conflicts with humans and also recommend conservation strategies.
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