Echiniscus testudo (Doyère, 1840): A promising biological control agent against Aflatoxin contamination of Aspergillus flavus
Fungi, Biological control, Water quality, water bears, Iran, MashhadAbstract
While Mashhad's drinking water is up to par with national standards, several locations have elevated levels of certain fungus, including Aspergillus flavus. A facultative parasite called Aspergillus flavus contaminates a number of significant food crops. Moreover, the pathogen that causes aspergillosis in humans and animals is opportunistic. One of the most dangerous contaminants of raw food commodities throughout pre- and post-harvest crops is Aspergillus flavus, which produces aflatoxins. Metabolites of aflatoxins are very carcinogenic. Even though aflatoxins are often produced during fungal colonization, precipitation may carry them into surface water. The presence of fungus in water has caused considerable alarm since it might endanger water quality and increase the risk of illness in humans. Dosti Dam is the primary water source for Mashhad. Echiniscus testudo specimens have been documented from the rivers that flow to this dam. Tardigrades are a class of microscopic, ubiquitous metazoa distinguished by their extreme intolerance. As an adaptation to extreme environmental conditions, cryptobiosis enables organisms to endure periods of extremely low temperatures or water scarcity, which are inhospitable to life. Due to the resistance and potential for extensive presence of this animal in the Target rivers, we investigated the possibility that it could be utilized to biologically control any form of water pollution in this study. The findings derived from the current investigation demonstrate the considerable potential of Echiniscus testudo as a biological control agent against A. flavus. Mycelial growth was observed to be 98% reduced and spore germination was inhibited by 100% under in vitro conditions.
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