On the distribution of Coleoptera in forests and open areas (center of the European part of Russia): A study using beer traps
Beetles, insects’ abundance, Mordovia State Nature Reserve, spatial structureAbstract
Natural forests (closed habitats) and meadows (open habitats) are essential for the conservation of terrestrial biodiversity. Pubescent biotopes are of considerable importance as well. It is crucial to obtain data on the spatial distribution of Coleoptera in such biotopes because it helps protect natural biotopes. The research was conducted in 2020 on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia (the center of the European part of Russia). Beer traps (with beer bait) were used to collect Coleoptera. The collections were carried out from April to October in various forests and open biotopes. To clarify the spatial distribution of Coleoptera, various forest interiors (meadow, edges, in the depths of the forest) were studied at two experimental sites. A total of 7771 Coleoptera specimens were recorded. In the open biotopes, the smallest numerical abundance of Coleoptera was obtained with relatively high species richness. The lowest species richness was obtained in the depths of the forest at a height of 7.5 m. The edges of forests at a height of 1.5 m differed in the maximum species richness and number. At a height of 7.5 m, the number of Coleoptera was the greatest, but the species diversity was very low. The number of saproxious species was higher in forest biotopes. The number of anthophilic species was higher in the traps installed at the bottom. Differences in the number of species and individuals on different edges (northern, eastern, and western) were also determined. Thus, on the eastern and northern edges, in contrast to the western edge, the numerical abundance at the top was higher than at the bottom.
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