Meat quality analysis of naked neck chickens: Role of cabbage leaves and different production systems
Carcass traits, meat quality, ChickensAbstract
This study evaluated the impact of cabbage leaves as a selenium source on carcass traits, quality, composition, and taste of meat from naked neck chickens raised in various housing systems. Experimental birds were managed at the ICGRC, UVAS, and divided into 2 production systems (Intensive and free range) and 4 feeding strategies (control feed, 0.3mg per kg selenium from cabbage leaves, 0.3mg per kg selenium from sodium selenite and 0.3mg per kg selenium from cabbage leaves+ sodium selenite). A total of 128 birds (4 per replicate) were slaughtered at 18 weeks of age and data were analyzed using the factorial ANOVA and DMR tests. Birds in the intensive system demonstrated superior carcass traits, higher shear force, and greater percentages of moisture, crude protein, and ash in the meat. In contrast, free-range birds exhibited more vibrant meat color, higher chroma, cooking loss, dry matter, and ether extract percentages but lower pH levels. Among feeding strategies, diets enriched with selenium from cabbage leaves improved carcass, breast, drumstick, ribs and back, wing, neck, and gizzard weights, while control-fed birds had higher live and thigh weights. A combined selenium diet increased shear force, whereas cabbage selenium alone enhanced the hue angle and crude protein percentage. Sodium selenite supplementation led to higher chroma, cooking loss, dry matter, ether extract, and ash percentages. Additionally, meat from cabbage-fed birds displayed better color, while the combination diet improved taste, flavor, and overall acceptability. Overall, significant interactions between feeding strategies and production systems were observed across all parameters. The findings highlight the potential of selenium-enriched cabbage leaves as a viable dietary supplement to improve meat quality and sensory attributes in naked neck chickens.
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