Morpho-yield contributing traits and correlation of soybean parental and F1 hybrids


  • Ilkham Kurbanbaev Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants, 111208. Yukory Yuz Street, Qibray district, Tashkent region, Uzbekistan
  • Sohiba Abdushukirova Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants, 111208. Yukory Yuz Street, Qibray district, Tashkent region, Uzbekistan
  • Abdulla Fayzullaev Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants, 111208. Yukory Yuz Street, Qibray district, Tashkent region, Uzbekistan
  • Zokhidjon Ziyadullaev Research institute of Rice-growing, 111506, Uzbekistan, Tashkent region, Urtachirchik district, village Sholikor, Madaniyat Street, Uzbekistan
  • Normumin Sanaev Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants, 111208. Yukory Yuz Street, Qibray district, Tashkent region, Uzbekistan
  • Dilafruz Kulmamatova Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants, 111208. Yukory Yuz Street, Qibray district, Tashkent region, Uzbekistan



legume, soybean, collection, yield, correlation, grain, F1 hybrids


This article presents the research outcome of studies based on the screening for productivity traits of soybean's genetic and botanical collection samples, the productivity indicators of the parental forms selected for cross-breeding, analysis of the correlation between them, and heredity in the F1 species. The study results show a strong positive correlation between the number of pods per plant, the number of grains per plant, and grain weight. In contrast, the weight of 1000 grains is moderately positively correlated with the weight of grains per plant, while it displayed a weak positive and negative correlation with other species. In the F1 hybrid generation, it was found that the studied fertility traits were mostly incompletely positive and highly dominant.


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How to Cite

Kurbanbaev, I., Abdushukirova, S., Fayzullaev, A., Ziyadullaev, Z., Sanaev, N., & Kulmamatova, D. (2024). Morpho-yield contributing traits and correlation of soybean parental and F1 hybrids . Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity, 8(4), 129–137.

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