Adopting blockchain technology for enhanced collaboration in biodiversity conservation: The CONSCIOUS framework


  • Fethi BENGIL Girne University,Maritime Faculty



biodiversity, decentralization, sustainability, open-source, collaborative


The growing environmental challenges, including biodiversity loss, necessitate new tools to enhance collaboration and transparency in conservation efforts. This study introduces the CONSCIOUS framework, a platform built on blockchain technology. The framework's potential to revolutionize communication and cooperation between individuals, organizations, and communities is immense. By leveraging blockchain’s ability to create secure and transparent records, the framework ensures clear tracking of project progress and funding. The study demonstrates how this approach can significantly improve stakeholder participation, resource management transparency, and project outcomes accountability. The results suggest that the CONSCIOUS framework has the potential to not just strengthen, but transform biodiversity conservation efforts by uniting diverse groups more transparently and efficiently.


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How to Cite

BENGIL, F. (2024). Adopting blockchain technology for enhanced collaboration in biodiversity conservation: The CONSCIOUS framework. Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity, 8(4), 8–14.