Unveiling the diversity of mating rituals among Acrididae (Orthoptera) of Pakistan
Mating, Acrididae, courtship displays, post-copulatory behaviour.Abstract
Mating behavior in grasshoppers is a crucial component of biocontrol strategies aimed at managing pest populations in an effective, environmentally sustainable manner. Comparative mating behavior in three Acrididae subfamilies viz: Acridinae, Hemiacridinae, and Oxyinae, are examined in this research paper, encompassing mate recognition, courtship displays, copulation, and post-copulatory behaviors. Copulatory pairs were observed under laboratory conditions. Receptive females played a vital role in pair formation. Males approach females by silently touching the female body, flying, and stridulatory songs. Males respond by mount 900 and 1800 with end-end contact of genitalia. Among the species studied, Hieroglyphus oryzivorus exhibits a longer mating duration of 80.35± 31.51 hrs. and shorter in Oxyna bidenta, 70.22 ± 6.42 mins. Multiple mating attempts decrease insects' life span; among all given species, Truxalis eximia eximia live longer than others at 65.36±12.29 days. The number of eggs observed in Acrididae species ranges from 5 to more than 100 eggs per pod. The present study identifies gaps in current knowledge and suggests potential avenues for future research. Mating strategies play a vital role in the initial stages of the insect population density reproductive life cycle and in initiating any control measure.
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