Bacteriocin extraction from bacterial samples and study the effect on the other types of pathogenic bacteria


  • Hamsa Faisal Najm Al-Bayan University, Department of Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Shatha Saadallah Al-Bayan University, Department of Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Baghdad, Iraq



Bacteriocin, antibacterial activity, Lactobacilli, bacteriocin encoding genes


This study investigated the antibacterial activity of a lectin-like bacteriocin extracted from Pseudomonas putida isolated from various soil samples in Baghdad. Thirteen new isolates of P. putida were identified using morphological, physiological, and molecular methods. Real-time PCR identified three isolates carrying the bacteriocin gene. Antibiotic sensitivity was tested on pathogenic bacteria, and one isolate from each species exhibiting broad-spectrum resistance was selected. The crude bacteriocin from 13 isolates showed antimicrobial activity against six pathogenic bacterial species, with five isolates exhibiting inhibition zones. Purification resulted in a bacteriocin with a total protein concentration of ~4669µg/ml and an apparent molecular mass of ≤11 kDa. HPLC confirmed the molecular mass. This study quantified the expression of P. putida bacteriocin genes, characterized as putadicin, with potential applications in human medicine for burn treatment in Iraq.


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How to Cite

Faisal Najm, H. ., & Saadallah, S. . (2023). Bacteriocin extraction from bacterial samples and study the effect on the other types of pathogenic bacteria. Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity, 7(Special Issue), 746–771.