Gastroprotective effect of Iraqi dates Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L. Cv. Barhi) dates and seeds extracts on ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in rats
Famotidine, gastrin, glutathioneAbstract
Objective: The goal is to find effective treatments for gastric ulcers with minimal side effects. We used ethanol-induced gastric ulcer models in rats to examine the gastro-protective benefits of Iraqi dates palm (Phoenix dactylifera L. Cv. " Barhi ") Methods: Six groups of seven rats each were formed from 42 rats. Groups 1 (normal control) and 2 (negative control) were given 10 ml/kg of distilled water; group 3 (positive control) was given famotidine (20 mg/kg); groups 4 date palm fruit extract were given (8 ml/kg); groups 5 date palm seed extract were given (8 ml/kg); and groups 6 mixture of date palm fruit extract and date palm seed extract were given (8 ml/kg). On day 15, rats in all groups (except the normal control group) received an oral administration of 99.8% ethanol (5 ml/kg) to cause an acute ulcer. All animals were slaughtered after 1 hour, and their stomachs were removed for further analysis. Results: Date fruit, date seed, and a combination of aqueous extracts were efficient in reducing the severity of gastric ulceration and protecting against ethanol's negative effects on gastrin, glutathione, and gastric mucus. Conclusion: Date extracts have been hypothesized to have a gastroprotective effect due to their potential anti-oxidant properties.
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