Analytical study and cytotoxicity test of azo dye in vitro
Analytical study of the azo dye (HA) showed that it can be affected by their solubility and the dielectric constant (D) of solvents. The MTT assay was used to test the effectiveness of HA against MCF-7 cell line, which indicated their sensible inhibition rates in contrast with the control (C). The assay also showed the great ability of the (HA) azo dye in destroying the MDA-MB231 cells and how it affected their viability%, which was better than their ability against the MCF-7 cell line. And this activity increased with the increase of their concentration. Statistical analysis gave P<0.05. Furthermore, the liver tissues of designated mice were normal in contrast with control (C). Therefore, after seeing its effectiveness as shown in the study, we recommend the specified HA to be a novel drug, that contains two medicines, (levothyroxine and paracetamol) in their structure. The new drug can give three effects at the same time, represented on thyroid medication, pain relive and anti-cancer effect.
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