Analysis of the liver's morphology and histology in White-Breasted Kingfisher


  • Isrra Adnan Auda Khadhim The Department of Biology, placed inside the Science Degree College for Women/ University of Babylon in Iraq
  • Wurood Alwan Kadhim The Department of Biology, placed inside the Science Degree College for Women/ University of Babylon in Iraq
  • Noor Hadi Obaid Al-Mamoori The Department of Biology, placed inside the Science Degree College for Women/ University of Babylon in Iraq
  • Farah Mohammed Saeed Sadeq The Department of Biology, placed inside the Science Degree College for Women/ University of Babylon in Iraq



White-breasted kingfisher, liver, descriptive morphology, histological organization


The findings of the current research study reveal that the liver of the white-breasted kingfisher exhibits a bilateral division, The right lobe exhibits a relatively greater size in comparison to the left lobe. The liver is completely concealed by an inconspicuous layer of connective tissue credited as the Glisson's capsule. The liver is formed out of hepatic cell cords or plates fact divide in a radial direction surrounding the central vein. The hepatic cords have been separated by a minute aperture pointed to as the blood sinusoids, which are marked by the presence of two distinct cell types along their lining the endothelial cell, and the Kupffer cell. In the current research study, 6 birds were used, and for the purpose of obtaining the liver, the birds were dissected, the liver was removed, and it was placed in a fixative solution for 24 hours. The bird under study has a liver consisting of two lobes, the right of which is the largest and contains the gall bladder. Histologically, the liver consists of a series of hepatic cords separated from each other by blood sinusoids.


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How to Cite

Auda Khadhim, I. A. ., Alwan Kadhim, W. ., Obaid Al-Mamoori, N. H. ., & Saeed Sadeq, F. M. . (2023). Analysis of the liver’s morphology and histology in White-Breasted Kingfisher . Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity, 7(Special Issue), 129–137.