The Distribution Patterns and Priorities for Conservation of Monocots Crop Wild Relatives (CWRs) of Iran
Food security, Middle East, Species richness, CWRs distributionAbstract
Crop wild relatives (CWR) are the most important genetic resources to improve and ensure global food security. Following Vavilov studies on CWRs, Iran is categorized in the higher ranks of conservation priorities. However, the species in this area are severely exposed to threats which make it necessary to protect them. Accordingly, the initial step to their conservation is to crate an ecological database. Despite the extensive efforts and valuable publications in the Iranian flora, little attention has been paid to the patterns and diversity centers of CWRs in Iran. The current study analyzed 804 grid cells (20820Km) in the Iranian geographic boundaries. Besides, nothing was recorded from 229 grid cells, though, 14 taxa (15.73%) were recorded from one grid cell. In this study, 3911 georeferenced locations of monocots CWRs were reported in Iran that belonged to 331 species, i.e. 80 genera of 16 plant families. Besides, Central Alborz, Eastern Alborz as well as northern and central sections of Zagros showed the highest diversity, respectively. Also, Poaceae (117), Amaryllidaceae (73), and Asparagaceae (36) showed the highest richness of species. Moreover, the Iranian monocots CWRs were categorized in 9 classes of elevation ranging from 0 m to more than 4000 m, and elevation ranging between 1500 to 2000m and 1000 to 1500m above the sea level with
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