Populations of Alchemilla Alpina L. within the territory of the State Natural Park «Rybachy and Sredniy Peninsulas»
Coenopopulation, population age structure, vitality index, Red Data Book, Natural parkAbstract
Research of the populations of an arctoalpine amphiatlantic species Alchemilla alpina L. has been conducted in the State Natural Park «Rybachy and Sredniy Peninsulas», which was created in 2014. This species is listed in the Red Data Book of the Murmansk region with status category 3 (rare, near threatened). The relevance of this research is based on the increasing tourist flow in the natural reserve, as well as the need to create a scientific basis for monitoring the status of populations located in the specially protected natural areas. The age structure, effective size and vitality of seven coenopopulations (CP) of Alchemilla alpina growing in the most popular tourist areas of the nature park were studied. It is shown that all CPs are dominated by generative specimens, and the majority of CPs plants of all ages are present. The vitality index according to Ishbirdin exceeds 1 only in two CPs. The predominance of generative specimens can be explained by the specifics of this species' life cycle, the different mortality rates at various age groups, and the high longevity of generative individuals. At the same time, the duration of the early stages of development is rather short, so the mortality rate may be much higher at these stages. Cohabiting plants with dense turf, as well as species with dense foliage shading sprouts, may also have a negative effect on the regenerative process of Alchemilla alpina populations.
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