Crustacean diversity of Ildırı Bay (Izmir, Turkey)


  • Murat Ozaydinli Ordu University
  • Kemal Can Bizsel Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, Dokuz Eylül University



Crustacean, Ildırı Bay, Aegean Sea, macroinvertebrates


In this study, the crustacean diversity in Ildırı Bay, which is characterized by a high density of aquaculture activity and tourism, was investigated. Sampling was carried out by box-corer during four seasonal cruises (April, July, November 2010, and February 2011) at eight stations. Based on the analyzed samples, Crustacea has been represented with two classes, five orders, 25 families, and 40 species in the study area. Amphipods were the dominant taxon in terms of species richness (15 species), followed by both tanaids (8 species) and decapods (8 species). Although tanaids were the most abundant taxon, decapods had the highest biomass. The most abundant tanaid species was Chondrochelia savignyi (Kroyer, 1842). Crustacea abundance was negatively correlated with depth.


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How to Cite

Ozaydinli, M., & Bizsel, K. C. (2020). Crustacean diversity of Ildırı Bay (Izmir, Turkey). Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity, 41–49.