Systematics and distribution of the genus Paralaudakia Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva and Böhme, 2012 (Sauria, Agamidae): A review
Systematics and distribution of the genus Paralaudakia
Paralaudakia, Agamidae, distribution rangeAbstract
The purpose of this study is to assess the genus Paralaudakia. Baig et al., 2012 based on 54 morphological characteristics divided genus Laudakia into three different genera: Laudakia Gray, 1845; Stellagama Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva and Böhme, 2012; and Paralaudakia Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva and Böhme, 2012. The genus Paralaudakia inhabits the mountainous rock settings. Its range include eight recognized species and ranges from Greece and the delta of the Nile on the west, through Central Asia and the Middle East, to the northeastern Gobi Altai and the Brahmaputra River on the east. The Caucasian rock agama consists of eight species P. caucasia (Eichwald, 1831), P. erythrogaster (Nikolsky, 1896), P. badakshana (Anderson & Leviton, 1969), P.bochariensis (Nikolsky, 1897), P. himalayana (Steindachner, 1867), P. lehmanni (Nikolsky, 1896), P. microlepis (Blanford, 1874), and P. stoliczkana (Blanford 1875).
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