An analysis of illegal wildlife trade with the aid of social media and prevention strategies
Wildlife trade, Wildlife crime, Conservation, Endangered Species, IndiaAbstract
The drastic reduction of wild life populace indicates the true scale of illicit trade in wild life. The traffickers emerged in the form of organised crime and threaten the survivability of several species across the world. The developing countries like India cannot be able to enforce the laws strongly to eradicate illegal wildlife trade. The regulations are poorly communicated and executed. The legalization varies from nation to nation. The political influences also affects the investigations of IWT. The traffickers misuse technology and sells the illegal wild life products in the pseudo name. This study investigates the role of social medial platform in analyzing the illegal wild life trade (IWT) and also suggest the prevention strategies to conserve the wild life environment. The research design is exploratory and descriptive in nature. The research performs a quantitative analysis using the SPSS version 23 software package, through reports generated from the Wild life Crime Control Bureau (WCCB). The report derived from the operation WILDNET is used to gather the data of cases registered through various social media platforms such as Facebook, twitter and whatsapp. The present study adopts secondary data collection to fetch data relating to prevalence of IWT throughout India. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and ANOVA test are performed in the research. The outcomes of the study revealed that the prevalence of IWT across India and role of social media in identifying the wild life traffickers. Furthermore, the study concludes that the digital platform has aids in increasing awareness to conserve the endangered species throughout the world.
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