Habitat desirability modeling of Goitered Gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) by Ecological Niche Factor Analysis in the Bidouyeh Protected Area, Iran
SDMs, ENFA, Biomapper, Bidouyeh Protected Area, Goitered GazelleAbstract
Species distribution models (SDMs) are a powerful tool in conservation. Predictive habitat models attempt to provide detailed predictions of distributions by relating the presence/absence of a species to a set of environmental predictors that are likely to influence the suitability of the environment for the focal species. For most of the available methods, accurate sampling of the presence/absence of the species is crucial. The lack of information about the areas where species are absent complicates the use of common ecological modeling tools, as they rely both on presence and absence data. For this reason, a modeling technique that does not require absence data was used. This modeling approach is extremely useful when absence data are not available, are unreliable, or are ecologically meaningless. So, one statistical technique that can be used to generate habitat maps based on the presence-only data is the Ecological Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA), using the modeling Biomapper software. The purpose of this study is to provide desirable habitats in Bidouyeh Protected Area in Kerman province based on the presence-only data and environmental conditions of the area by ENFA, to determine which parts according to the current conditions of the region are suitable habitat for Goitered Gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa). according to the Predicted areas, we will be able to better protect and manage the area. The results showed that variables the elevations 2000-2300 m, the western aspects, and the sealed road, respectively, are the most important factors influencing the selection of Goitered Gazelle habitat in Bidouyeh protected area. According to the modeling, approximately 15% of the Bidouyeh protected area is a suitable habitat for Goitered Gazelle.
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