GH and IGF1 gene variation and carcass yield characteristics in three Kurdish quail lines
quails, GH, IGF1, growth trait, carcass parameters, Marker Assisted SelectionAbstract
This study aimed to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the GH and IGF1genes and evaluate their associations with growth performance traits, such as body weight (BW), dressing percentage, and carcass characteristics, in three quail lines: desert, brown, and white. Marker-assisted selection, which employs fast and precise molecular analysis of genes, is recognized as a powerful method for expediting genetic improvement in poultry production. Data on performance and carcass traits (including pre-slaughter weight and weights of the breast, thigh, neck, back, wings, head, feet, gizzard, liver, heart, and abdominal fat) were recorded. Additionally, blood samples were taken from 72 birds for DNA extraction and SNP analysis. Genotype identification was performed using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) techniques with specific primers and restriction enzymes. Further analysis of quail carcass traits showed significant variations due to genetic line and sex. The Desert line consistently demonstrated superior values for most carcass parameters, including breast, thigh, and neck weights. Females exhibited higher carcass weights and dressing percentages compared to males, though males showed greater foot weight. The study confirms that genetic lines and sex significantly impact quail growth and carcass quality, with Desert quail outperforming others in several traits. Additionally, RFLP markers were associated with economic traits, highlighting the potential for molecular techniques in improving quail production. This research underscores the importance of genetic and environmental factors in optimizing quail breeding programs to improve quail growth traits and carcass quality.
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