Screening of pear genotypes cultivated in Azerbaijan for resistance genes to fungal disease (Venturia pyrina)




Genotypes, markers, EF-PCR analysis, Venturia pyrina


Pear scab (Venturia pyrina) is one of the most dangerous pear diseases in pear orchards in Azerbaijan. Therefore, it is very important to breed scab-resistant pear varieties to minimize the use of fungicides and develop resistance to fungicides. Molecular identification could considerably upgrade pear breeding. Our study aimed to evaluate the resistance of some local pear genotypes using molecular markers against the pathogen Venturia pyrina cultivated in Azerbaijan. Samples of 26 pear genotypes distributed in different regions of Azerbaijan were collected. The 12 molecular markers used have proven useful in identifying resistance genes against Venturia pyrina in pear genotypes. As a result of our research with the help of molecular markers, it was learned that Sarchabudu, Nar pear and Zanciraband pear varieties have more resistance genes against Venturia pyrina pathogen. In addition, Jir pear and Uzunboghaz pear cultivars were found to have no scab resistance gene.


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How to Cite

Asadov, E., Babayeva, N., & Arıcı, E. (2024). Screening of pear genotypes cultivated in Azerbaijan for resistance genes to fungal disease (Venturia pyrina). Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity, 8(4), 247–256.