Global responsibility for marine biodiversity: going beyond national jurisdiction


  • Driss Ed.daran College of Law, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, 15551, UAE
  • Fatima Ezzohra Elhajraoui FSJP. Ibn Tofail University, Campus Universitaire, BP. 242 Kénitra 14000. MAROC, Morocco
  • Riad Al Ajlani College of Law, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, 15551, UAE
  • Malik Zia-ud-Din Department of Law, Faculty of Law, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, 63100, Pakistan



Marine Biodiversity, Law of the sea, Common heritage, High Seas, biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction


International law does not fully explain the global community, which has valid interests apart from sovereign nations. Many different things come to mind when one thinks of this global community: a collection of independent states, a universal idea of humanity, an international organization, or even a non-governmental group charged with on behalf of Earth or its inhabitants. While realists in international relations may find these ideas more fantastical the farther they stray from traditional state sovereignty, the fact that individuals, communities, and corporations all have a say in treaty-making, international litigation, and other areas of international law shows that it is not always a "States only" affair. A sense of interests, rights, and responsibilities is given to the international community. State or non-state entities representing the international community are required to carry out the rights and responsibilities of the international community. This article takes a step away from theoretical speculation and towards practical scenario analysis by looking at the potential roles the international community's avatar may play in a treaty regime to preserve and responsibly use marine biological diversity in BBNJ. According to the underlying assumption, all worldwide community members, or erga omnes, shall be held responsible for BBNJ's actions. They will not focus on just one country or two sides and will not be bilateral.


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How to Cite

Ed.daran, D., Elhajraoui, F. E., Al Ajlani, R., & Zia-ud-Din, M. (2024). Global responsibility for marine biodiversity: going beyond national jurisdiction. Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity, 8(3), 419–448.