Histological pattern of non-Hodgkin lymphoma of Iraqi patients in Al-Amal hospital
DLBCL, Follicular lymphoma, Burkitt lymphoma, Mantel cell lymphoma, Marginal zone lymphomaAbstract
Throughout the world, non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is among the most prevalent hematologic cancers. From a clinical standpoint, NHLs are classified as either aggressive (high-grade) or indolent (low-grade) tumours. Indolent tumours frequently show no symptoms at all and develop and spread extremely slowly. Depending on the location in which the lymphomatous process exists, aggressive tumours typically advance very quickly, and the majority of patients present with adenopathy along with a variety of other symptoms. The main objectives of this study is to identify the histological pattern of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) among Iraqi patients at Al-Amal Hospital and determine the most prevalent kind of NHL in patients from Iraq. A descriptive design was used in this study, the present study was carried out at Al-Amal National Hospital for Oncology for the period from 1 October\ 2022 to 1st of May \ 2023. The data for this study was obtained from 40 Iraqi patients with different types of lymphoma (NHL) who attended Al-Amal hospitals during the era 2010-2023 For the purpose of periodic treatment including chemotherapy radiotherapy and other types of treatment. The results of this study showed a higher percentage of female frequency than males, furthermore, there was a significant correlation between socioeconomic status and the histological pattern types of lymphoma, and it is worth mentioning that the findings showed that the most common NHL was diffuse large B- cell lymphomas and the follicular lymphoma in the second place. The recent study concluded that the diffuse large B-cell lymphomas were the most common sub-types of NHL placed in the first level and follicular lymphoma comes in the second highest level, moreover, there is a significant correlation between the socio-economic status and the histological pattern types of lymphoma.
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