Effect of paper mill sludge (furfural) on soil respiration, urease activity and ammonia volatilization of calcareous soils
Furfural, paper mill sludge, urease, CO2 evolution, NH3 lossAbstract
Final paper mill sludge (furfural) is a good material for C Source and other nutrients for soil. Incubation tests were done to see how different amounts of furfural affected the release of CO2, urease activity and NH3 volatilization of two soils (Alzubair and Abul-khasib) collected from Basrah province, south of Iraq. Furfural was applied at 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0 and 10 % (w/w) of dried soil. Mentions parameters were measured at 10, 20 and 30 days of incubation time. The furfural rate linearly increased CO2 evolution till the concentration of 4 %. Increasing furfural concentration beyond 4 % had no effect on CO2 evolution. In contrast, the urease activity was enhanced the 0-10 % treatments and no clear differences were observed beyond 1.0 %. However, addition of furfural by cause linearly decreased in NH3 volatilization at all incubation times and both soils. Control and furfural treatments in Abul - khasib soil gave higher CO2 evolution and urease activity and lower NH3 loss than AL - Zubair loamy sand soil.
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