Population trends of Anseriformes and Charadriiformes on the west coast of the middle Caspian Sea
Anatids, lagoons of Dagestan, migration area, population dynamics, wadersAbstract
The decline in the number of waterfowl and water birds is related to the reduction of wetlands during a warming climate. Most of the world's waterfowl and water birds nest in Russia, but there is little accurate data on their population dynamics. This study presents long-term data on migratory populations of Anseriformes and Charadriiformes from an important Eurasian flyway where European and Asian migrants meet. Using data from 1995–2020 counts conducted at two Ramsar sites on the western coast of the Caspian Sea in Dagestan, the geography of regularly migrating populations of Anseriformes and waders was determined, with population trends established for 28 species. The results of the correlation analysis indicated that, of 18 anatids species, numbers of 12 decreased significantly and 2 increased, in 4 it remained at a relatively previous level, and of 10 wader’s species, numbers – of 3 decreased and 2 – increased, while other model species' numbers stayed the former level. We observed a correlation between air temperature changes and long-term fluctuations in abundance of the model group of birds. Three main factors affecting population dynamics are discussed: hydroclimatic conditions, anthropogenic influence, and foraging. It is recommended to introduce a temporary ban on the hunting removal of 13 species of anatids and waders with a negative trend in abundance or to determine the removal standards that do not exceed 30–40% of their populations.
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